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Parental Involvement Plan

Pembroke Community Middle School

Title I: Parental Involvement Plan School Year 2023-2024


The staff at Pembroke Community Middle School (PCMS) is cognizant of the importance of parental support in the education of our students.  As such, we recognize the need to partner with our parents and actively solicit and encourage parents to be an integral part of the total education process.


How are parents involved at PCMS?

  • Parent-teacher conferences:  Parents and teachers meet at predetermined intervals or impromptu as the need arises.  In these meetings, discussions around student progress are the main focus.

  • Home/School Compacts:  Parents, students, and schools develop agreements defining goals, expectations, and shared responsibilities.

  • Title 1/Family Nights:  Plans are made annually to hold family nights that support learning and the application of new skills.  

  • Summer reading: Parents and Title 1 teachers work together to combat the summer slump with summer reading programs.

  • School Council:  The PCMS School Council has a balance of community members, parents and educators.  The primary responsibility is to annually update the School Improvement Plan based on student performance and need.  In addition, this body will annually review, and as needed modify, the School-Parent Compact explaining the shared responsibility between the staff and home for the continued academic improvement for all students. In addition, the PCMS School Council acts in an advisory role for the principal on matters of budget.

  • PTO:  The school has an active PTO who works directly with the staff at PCMS.  Through their involvement, enrichment activities are scheduled throughout the school year which enhance and support the curriculum.


How do parents communicate at PCMS?

  • Parent-teacher conferences

  • Back-to-School Night

  • PCMS maintains its own web page which contains news and links to newsletters and other sites of educational interest.

  • E-News:  Parents have been encouraged to sign up on our website to receive pertinent information regarding PCMS, the district, and community information as well.

  • Email:  All staff at PCMS have an email account and parents are encouraged to use this electronic communication to remain connected to their child’s teachers.

  • Phone:  We encourage parents to call us when they have a concern or question.  

  • Titan’s Talk! is an online communication tool where families can share ideas, concerns or praise with the school (