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How to Cite Your Sources
Whenever researching, it is always necessary to name the source(s) of your information. This list of sources is called a bibliography. A bibliography should be listed alphabetically. Bibliographies are very important because all the information and facts that you find, you cannot use without the sources being cited! The second line of an entry, and every line after the first line, should be indented. Watch for proper placement of punctuation in a citation! Skip a line after each entry. Remember to indent 1 tab.
FOR A BOOK: Author’s last name, first name. Title of book. Place of publication: Publisher, copyright year. example:Fogle, Bruce. Training Your Dog. New York: DK Publishing, 2001. If no author:
If three or more authors:
FOR AN ENCYCLOPEDIA ARTICLE WITH AN AUTHOR: Article author’s last name, first name. "Title of article." Name of encyclopedia. Copyright year. example: |
FOR AN ENCYCLOPEDIA ARTICLE WITHOUT AN AUTHOR: "Title of article." Name of encyclopedia. Copyright year. Volume number, page(s). example: "Golden Retriever." World Book Encyclopedia. 2003. Volume 8, p.255. |
FOR A MAGAZINE OR NEWSPAPER ARTICLE: Article author’s last name, first name. "Title or headline of article." Name of magazine or newspaper example: McGill, Kristy. "A Baltic Scramble." Faces May, 2003: 27. (use a "+" for mulitple pages, as in 27+) |
FOR AN INTERNET ADDRESS: Author’s last name, first name. "Title of article." Name of website. Date of Last Update. Date Of access. example: DiStefano, Vince. "Guidelines for Better Writing." 17 Jul. 2001. |
FOR AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS: Title of material. Type of material. Place of publication: Publisher, copyright date. example: Bizet’s Dream. Videotape. New York: Sony Wonder, 1998. |
FOR A CD-ROM: "Article title." CD-ROM title. CD-ROM. Copyright date. example: "Titanic Disaster." Encarta 99 Encyclopedia. CD-ROM. 1999. |
FOR AN INTERVIEW: Name of person interviewed (last name first). Kind of interview. Date. example: Watson, Cosmo. Personal interview. 11 Nov. 2006. |
Your finished bibliography should be:
- Alphabetized by the first word of the entry
- Indented 1 tab (5 spaces)on the second and third lines!
Bizet’s Dream. Videotape. New York: Sony Wonder, 1998.
Clark, William W. "Gothic Art." World Book Encyclopedia. 2004.
Volume 8, pp. 284-286.
DiStefano, Vince. "Guidelines for Better Writing." 17 Jul. 2001.
5 Oct. 2004 .
Fogle, Bruce. Training Your Dog. New York: DK Publishing, 2001, pp. 50- 55.
"Golden Retriever." World Book Encyclopedia. 2004. Volume 8, p.255.
McGill, Kristy. "A Baltic Scramble." Faces May, 2003: 27.
"Titanic Disaster." Encarta 99 Encyclopedia. CD-ROM. 1999.
Watson, Cosmo. Personal interview. 11 Nov. 2006.